
Do you sell healthcare products?

No, We do not sell healthcare products directly. We are the premier search engine. We only show the product listing from the vendors registered with us.

Do you recommend any specific retailer?

No, we do not. We list up to date pricing for all of the major retailers. However, we list some sponsored products at the top of the page.

How do you decide what retailer listing is at the top of the search results?

We show the search results based on the price per round. The lowest-priced healthcare products get the top listing. We do list sponsored products on top of the listing.

How frequently do you update your healthcare products listings?

We update our healthcare products listings every 7 minutes, 24/7.

Does the price include shipping and tax?

Because the shipping and tax rates vary we do not include shipping or taxes. We do indicate vendors that have lower shipping rates.We carefully monitor vendors and remove those that manipulate their shipping costs to increase their ranking on listings.

Why do you have advertising in search results?

Advertising keeps our site running free for the end user.

Can I list my healthcare product deals on your website?

If you are a healthcare product supplier we can add you to our listings. We are also accepting vendors dealing for all healthcare products like; wheelchair, adult diapers, Wound care, Incontinence, Hospital beds, Surgical supply etcPlease contact us at admin@healthcaredeliveries.com to apply.

How do we verify healthcare supplies retailers?

We verify the listings of our healthcare supplies retailers. We will monitor their activity and we will deactivate retailers that do not meet our standards.

Wow, your website is on the first page. Can I buy a link?

We do not sell our back links. We only offer listings to qualified and verified retailers.

Do I get a do follow link from your website?

We only link to verified retailers.

What is the recommended web browser to use your website?

Our website works on all of the major browsers.

Do we have a mobile app?

Not yet. The online app stores do not allow the firearms industry to use their marketplace. Our website is fast and mobile friendly.

I have a complaint about the retailer listed on your website.

We do list reputed healthcare supplies retailers on our website. We take your complaint and tell the retailer about that, if we see a lot (20% of the clicks, made from our website) of complaints about any retair, we do remove the retailer from our website.

If you still have any questions, about our website, please email us at admin@healthcaredeliveries.com.